Saturday, April 7, 2007
Bonus Mission 2
Robert D. Hof (2006) My Virtual World.
Second Life. (2007, April 4). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved, April 6 2007, from
Levy, S. (2007). In World of Warcraft: Is It a Game. Retrieved April 6 2007, from
Qotw10:Second Life

After I left Ninas palce, I came across this one palce called 'Goddess of Love", which sounded like anpther one of those mass orgy palces. After i read a description of it, it said that it was the best club in Second life and so i checked it out. This was truly quite a nice palce. The design was great, the music was good and there were tons of people. As i got in i saw about a hundred people dancing in the middle of their dance floor. Five minutes into it, i had already made freinds with a girl and i asked her to dance. Her name was Starshine. we danced for about twenty minutes or so , and then she had to leave.
Starshine and myself at the Goddess of Love.
I had spent close to three or four hours on Second Life,and didnt even realize it. I made money, made friends had a good time at a club. Second life is very engaging and very open ended. While i did feel that there was a lot of sexual content in this world, i realized i can ignore it and still find hundreds of things to do and even more people to meet. All in all i had a great time on the program and am sure that I will spend a lot of lazy afternoons doing whatever i want to do in this ingenius virtual setting.